Tcherno So

Self-taught for over 10 years



Moving from Netherlands to Portugal when I was just 2 years old, with the dream of becoming a professional football player.
Growing up in Portugal, I would spent half of my day playing football with my friends in the streets, but my health condition(Asthma) held back my full potential. Still, I didn't give up. I kept practicing and learning new skills and strategies to improve my fitness and technique and a few years later, I signed my first amateur football club, which was a big achievement for me.

Unfortunately, just five years later, I suffered an ACL injury that required surgery and a recovery period of almost a year. Very difficult experience that changed the course of my life and never came back because circumstances forced me to do so.



New passion unlocked.
The most unexpected scene in my life was when I decided to pursue the art of dance. Since my injury music became a part of me. Whenever a track reached my ears, I would find myself dancing at any moment. After 7 months in this scenario, I finally decided to level up my skills and knowledge about dance and art.

My life once again changed after leaving another home, quitting my job, selling all my belongings, and relocating to London, a city known for its vibrant art scene, creativity, and diversity, and the rest... is History!



The pandemic!
The most isolated phase of my life, which gave me another level of self-awareness and a better understanding of my abilities.
Difficult times can lead us to a deeper understanding of who we are and what we are capable of.
During this time, I learned the art of being alone and experienced significant personal growth and strength and one year later, I have created a book that explores various challenges in life and provides guidance, effective strategies, and solutions to overcome them."TS365"

In 2024, I launched my YouTube channel where I share snippets from my book, reaching others globally.



New challenge
I made the decision to delve into computer science and programming, seeing it as a long-term challenge. I felt the need for something that could stimulate my brain daily, especially focusing on problem-solving. While we recognize the incredible potential of technology, we're also aware of its complexity.
As far as I can tell, this journey is endless.
From learning the history of innovation and programming languages, to comprehending binary code and building this website from scratch...
Human brains are incredible.

Tcherno So